How to Get Rid of Moles on Face
There are several methods for how to get rid of moles on face , and many of them are safe and effective. First, you can try creams that remove moles. These creams are widely available in pharmacies or online. However, they are not always as effective as they say. These creams cause thick scars, and you should consult your doctor before using them. Next, you can scrape off the top of your blemish with a razor blade or other sharp object. This process will leave behind a scab, which should eventually fall off the mole. Garlic is another effective home remedy for mole removal. Ground garlic is an effective remedy. Apply it on the blemished area and leave it overnight. Rinse it off the following day. To get rid of your moles permanently, apply a paste of ghee and lime five to six times a day. You can also use baking soda and caster oil. These two ingredients work by detaching the mole's cells. You can even combine them with water to make a thick paste. Another natural remedy for moles ...